Pet Nutrition, Reptile Feeding

What Fruits Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

What Fruits Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Bearded dragons are omnivorous lizards that enjoy a varied diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, insects, and the occasional treat. While vegetables and insects form the bulk of a healthy bearded dragon diet, many owners wonder – can bearded dragons eat fruit? And if so, what fruits are safe and nutritious for a bearded dragon to eat?

In this blog post, we’ll give an overview of which fruits make good bearded dragon treats, which should only be fed occasionally or avoided altogether, and some tips on how to properly incorporate fruit into your beardie’s diet. Read on to learn all about feeding fruit to bearded dragons!

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Fruit?

The short answer is yes, bearded dragons can and enjoy eating certain fruits in moderation. Fruits provide important vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and water to a bearded dragon’s diet. However, fruits should not be a dietary staple as they are high in natural sugar and lack the proper calcium to phosphorus ratios needed for healthy bone growth.

Best Fruits for Bearded Dragons
Figuring out fruits for bearded dragons starts with knowing what nutrients beardies need. A balanced bearded dragon diet consists of:

– 45-50% vegetables
– 30% insects/protein
– 10-20% fruits and veggies high in calcium
– Occasional treats (should make up 5% or less of total diet)

When choosing fruits for your bearded dragon, go for options that are high in vitamins and relatively low in sugar, like berries. Some of the best fruits to offer a bearded dragon include:

– Raspberries
– Blueberries
– Strawberries
– Bananas
– Apples
– Melons (cantaloupe, honeydew)
– Mango
– Peaches

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These fruits provide key vitamins and minerals: vitamin C, vitamin A carotenoids for healthy eyes and skin, B vitamins for energy, potassium, magnesium, and some calcium.

Fruits to Avoid or Limit for Bearded Dragons
Just as important as knowing what’s safe is understanding what fruits bearded dragons shouldn’t eat. Stay away from feeding bearded dragons these fruits:

Citrus fruits – Citrus like oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits are too acidic for bearded dragons. They can cause mouth irritation, upset stomach, and kidney problems.

Seed & pit fruits – Cherries, plums, apricots, and pomegranate all have hard pits and seeds a bearded dragon could choke on. These fruits also contain cyanide within the seeds.

Watermelon & grapes – Too high in sugar content and can potentially cause diarrhea. Both watermelon flesh and skin/rinds are unsuitable.

Avocado – Contains persin, which is toxic to reptiles including bearded dragons.

Coconut – The flesh is too high in fat and sodium.

Dried fruits – Loses most of its nutrients when dried, and extremely high in sugar concentration.

How to Prepare & Feed Fruit to Your Bearded Dragon
Follow these tips for preparing fruit to safely incorporate into your bearded dragon’s fresh food buffet:

– Wash thoroughly under cold water before prepping.
– Chop larger fruits like apples into bite-sized pieces a bearded dragon can easily consume.
– Remove any hard stems, pits, peels, etc. that could pose a choking risk.
– Mash up softer berries into an easy-to-lick puree.
– Mix fruit pieces with veggies and calcium supplements. Rotate through varieties.
– Offer fruits in very limited amounts – Just a few piece per feeding max, not daily.
– Remove uneaten fruits within 24 hours before they spoil.

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Monitor your bearded dragon’s droppings after any new foods. Diarrhea could indicate the fruit is not agreeing with your beardie. Slow down and try a different fruit if any digestive upset occurs.

The Fruity Verdict: Fruit in Moderation

While most fruits make great supplemental additions, fruits for bearded dragons should never outweigh vegetables, protein sources, and calcium. Shoot for 85-90% veggies and bugs, 5-10% fruits and berry treats, and 5% or less human snack foods only sparingly. This combination gives bearded dragons optimal nutrition.

Vary fruits offerings for bearded dragons widely for a diverse range of vitamins and nutrition. Pay attention to your dragon’s preferences, digestion, and any changes with new fruits. By selectively incorporating small amounts of sweeter produce into a well-balanced fresh buffet, you can safely allow your bearded dragon to enjoy a diverse, stimulating diet.

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