Pet Care Tips, Pet Nutrition, Reptile Care, Reptile Feeding

Do Bearded Dragons Bite?

Do Bearded Dragons Bite?

This question usually arrives in everybody’s mind Do Bearded Dragons Bite? Yes, Bearded dragons usually bite, they can be very friendly and calm but do not tolerate handling very well so try to handle them with care and with a soft voice.

The bearded dragon is a popular choice for first-time reptile owners for its unique looks and docile temperament.

Many people wonder whether bearded dragons have fangs, but they don’t. They’re perfectly safe to handle and you shouldn’t be scared when you pet them.

We look at what you should know about the bite of a bearded dragon in this article.

To have a healthy relationship between you and your beardies, get your bearded dragons used to being handled when they’re young.

Many people have gotten bit by a bearded dragon, so know what to expect and how to get out of such a situation.

What Does It Feel Like?

It’s okay for a baby or juvenile bearded dragon to bite you. It won’t hurt them and you’ll probably feel nothing at all.

A baby’s or juvenile’s teeth will not usually penetrate deeply into the skin.

There are different types of adult beardies. Some are just as dangerous as any adult dog, while others are just as friendly as a baby seal. People usually are not aware of Do Bearded Dragons Bite? Their bites are typically very painful and it’ll hurt for a while, but most of the time, it’s because they surprised you, not because they wanted to bite you.

It is really different from person to person. So, what you should know is that you will need to try it for yourself to see if it works for you or not.

Although they’re pretty hard to find, the most common lizard species in Australia is the bearded dragon.

How Can I Tell If My Beardie May Bite?

Threatened bearded dragons have thick, spiky, scaly-looking beards. Their beard is usually a sign that they are preparing to bite.

They can also bite you, and if you want to avoid bites, you should use a collar or a harness to keep them away from your face

You can avoid this by using your hand to feed them, or by slowly getting them used to eating from your hand.

If your beardie is in a bad mood, make sure to keep it happy and stress-free.

Why Do Beardies Bite?

Bearded dragons can’t bite just to do so. They usually have a reason for biting: hunger or stress.

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Understanding why your beardie bites will give you insight into why he is doing so. This is the best way to address your pet’s needs and adjust for proper care. The following reasons will explain Do Bearded Dragons Bite? and also Why?


The most common reason that bearded dragons bite is hunger, especially when they mistake your fingers for food or prey, such as worms.

This is a common problem when dogs are fed at the table. They get so excited and eat and eat and eat that they end up nipping at their owners.

A cat who doesn’t have enough to eat will start acting up, making it hard to handle or train them. To prevent this, feed your cat once a day, then put away their food for a few hours before you start handling or training.

You can also use tweezers or tongs to feed your worms their worm food.

Eventually, you’ll get used to handling feeding and there won’t be any accidents.

If you’ve been handling their feeder insects and reaching out for them in their enclosure, your fingers may still smell food and their keen sense of smell will activate their predatory instincts. They may also accidentally bite you.

To help prevent this, always wash your hands before and after handling your bearded dragon for both your safety and their safety.

Self Defense

When a beardie feels threatened by a human or another beardie, then its self-defense instincts will kick in and attempt to bite the threat to protect itself.

This may be caused by an over-zealous handling method that encourages aggressive beard hairs to grow.

This can be prevented by regular handling, and this will help your bearded dragon get used to you.

You must never let a bearded dragon get startled. It’s important to be aware of its surroundings before approaching the enclosure and taking it out.

Also best to avoid reaching in directly from above it (like how a bird or predator would grab them in the wild).

However, since most tanks have a screen top, a good technique is to reach from the front or the side to grab your beardie.

You should also let it know of your presence before reaching out to grab it.

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If your bearded dragon bites you then you might end up losing a part of your hand or worse still, you could lose a life.

This will only happen if your beardie has not yet become accustomed to being handled by humans.

Bearded dragons are not known for their friendliness. However, you can prevent this problem by giving them a treat when they accept you as a friend.

If you have a bearded dragon, make sure it sees you approaching the cage before you pick it up.

Discomfort, stress, unease, or excitement

Biting is a very common thing to do and it’s not always just an indication that someone is uncomfortable or stressed. Sometimes, it can be a symptom of a physical problem.

If your bearded dragon is stressed by any sudden change in its environment, it will make it prone to biting.

If you’ve changed their enclosure they may feel uncomfortable at first. Let them acclimate again to their new area first before handling them.

When you bring your beardie home for the first time or when you upgrade their enclosure, they will usually become very stressed and sometimes sick.

It’s also why it’s best to get your bearded dragon from reputable breeders who will take the time and effort to get their young beardies used to being handled to avoid it being stressed too much.

If the dragon is nervous and uneasy, it could be because there are other pets in your home or it sees its own reflection on the glass of its enclosure.

Overly excited beardies can also be dangerous and can bite. These bites can happen during mealtimes, or while getting excited by something new or curious in their environment.

Improper handling

If you don’t provide the right care to bearded dragons, they could bite you.

This includes: holding them too tightly, poking them, or pinching them. It does not include: not giving them their space.

It is important to avoid these behaviors, but more importantly, these improper grooming habits may hurt your beard and cause you discomfort.

This is why you should give your beardie a chance to become accustomed to having your fingers touch it.

You’ll be able to tell when it’s getting ready to be put down if it starts to squirm too much, if it puffs out its belly, or if it starts to grow a beard.

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Baby animals should never be handled roughly. Small animals may not be able to tell if they’re being handled roughly, so they might be hurt by their owners’ rough treatment.

Children should always be guided when handling bearded dragons. Bearded dragons have sharp, pointy teeth, and you wouldn’t want to put yourself or your child in danger.

Make sure that you are being gentle with how they’re picking them up and helping them understand what it means to be caring for bearded dragons.

The same also applies to anyone who wants to care for your bearded dragon if they are not the owners and are caring for it for the first time.

Don’t forget about the other possible consequences of a bite, such as pain and discomfort, too.

A bearded dragon’s jaws are strong enough to cause an injury even to someone who has been bitten before.

What To Do If You Get Bitten?

You’ll want to make sure you don’t get bitten by your bearded dragon at all since more than the bite, there’s also a danger of your bearded dragon getting injured.

When a tick bites you, the first thing to do is to remove it and wash it immediately. If the tick has been fed, the wound may be infected, and you can use a topical anti-infective if necessary.

The first thing to do if your bearded dragon bites you is to try to stay calm. On the rare occasion that your bearded dragon closes its mouth around your finger and bites down, but doesn’t let go, do NOT PANIC!

If you don’t do it, you’ll end up with a mouth full of fingers!

The force of its bite will not be strong so you can gently reach in to open its mouth to release your finger.

If you’re the kind of person who hates getting stuck with the chore of cleaning the grill, then there are a few things you can do to prevent this from happening.

Place your beardie back in its enclosure first to avoid being bitten by a second time. Then, if there’s any damage, you can treat it.

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